Swarm Removal

Bees on a Tree

A member catches a swarm.

A swarm hanging on a tree limb.

Bees on a Tree
Do you see a ball of bees hanging in a tree branch, or on a mailbox or some other structure on your property? Please do not spray them! We have a 'Swarm Team' who would love the opportunity to rehome those bees. Click below to email our Swarm Captain! Please include a contact number in the email, and if possible, attach a picture, too.

A member extracting comb.

Extraction from a house.

These folks were on the job! Extracting bees from an apartment column.

A member extracting comb.
Mid-State Beekeepers Association does not typically try to connect beekeepers and homeowners for removals from structures. Removals necessitate a specific skill set not taught in beekeeping and because of this we do not want to give the impression of sending someone that, in fact, may or may not possess those skills. To insure you are protected, we recommend you consider experienced, contractor licensed, insuranced companies or individuals. Be sure to do your due diligence yourself with the business or individual prior to entering into a contract for services.