SECTION 1 - NAME: The name of this organization shall be "The South Carolina
Mid-State Beekeepers Association," herein defined as the "Association".
ARTICLE 2 Objectives
SECTION 1 - OBJECTIVES: The objective of this nonprofit organization shall be to
educate, support, and foster the skills of beekeepers using the current best
management practices, to share experience and methods for improving honey
production for backyard beekeepers and businesses, and to provide members of the
association an opportunity to purchase honey bees and queens. The association will
also inform and educate the public on the importance of honey bees for pollination and
food via community outreach and other events.
ARTICLE 3 Members
SECTION 1 - MEMBERS: Anyone interested in beekeeping and the beekeeping
industry may join the Association upon payment of the regular annual dues. The right to
vote shall be limited to members.
SECTION 2 -JUNIOR MEMBERSHIP: Non-voting Jr. Membership shall be free to all
interested youth under sixteen (16) years of age.
ARTICLE 4 - Officers and Elections
SECTION 1- OFFICERS: The officers (known as the board) of the Association shall be:
past-president, president, president-elect; secretary, treasurer, and three (3) directors.
Directors will have a term of three years. A Director may serve two (2) successive
terms and then be reelected after a one (1) year absence from the Board. If possible
directors' terms shall expire in different years to allow for continuity.
President. The past-president, president, and president-elect shall serve a one-year
term in each position, transitioning to the following year such that the president-elect
shall serve one year, transition to the president to serve for a one-year term, and then
transition to past-president, to serve for one year.
Secretary and Treasurer. The secretary and treasurer shall each serve a two (2) year
term, with the elections being held on alternating years. The secretary shall normally be
elected on even years and treasurer on odd years. The Secretary and Treasurer can
serve up to 3 consecutive terms in their position before being required to roll off for one
Nominations: Officers can be nominated by any member, or by the board of directors.
The board shall review and approve all nominees.
Elections: The membership will elect these officers by a majority vote of the members
present at the September meeting or a duly called meeting for election. The election of
directors and officers shall be at the September meeting to allow for a three-month
transition for the newly elected board members.
After being elected, the new officers will be invited to board meetings to learn their
position before beginning their term. Under normal circumstances, all elected officers
will assume responsibility for their position for the year beginning on January 1st.
ARTICLE 5 Duties of Officers
SECTION 1- PRESIDENT: The president shall preside at all meetings of the
Association using regular parliamentary procedures according to Roberts Rules of
Order. The president can nominate a member to fill a vacancy on the board at any
member meeting. The membership will elect the nominee by a majority vote of the
members present at the meeting. The president will be authorized to make deposits
and disburse all monies, should the treasurer position become vacant or if he/she is
unable to perform those duties.
SECTION 2 – PRESIDENT-ELECT: It shall be the duty of the president-elect to perform
the duties of the president in his or her absence or upon the president's request. If the
president-elect is unable to perform this duty in the absence of the president, then the
president-elect may appoint the past-president to do so (or any member to act in his/her
stead with the consent of the majority of the directors).
SECTION 3 – PAST-PRESIDENT: The past president will attend all executive board
meetings and offer any advice the previous two years of experience on the board may
have given but will have no vote unless votes are equally divided – in which case the
past president may cast a tie-breaking vote. The past president will also cover for the
president and/or president-elect in case either are unable to fulfill their duties.
SECTION 4 – SECRETARY: The secretary shall maintain accurate written/electronic
records (minutes) of the proceedings of the organization for a minimum of seven (7)
years. This officer shall keep all committee correspondence on file and maintain the
official membership roll. He/She will process the general correspondence including the
agenda for monthly meetings, email newsletters and notices to the membership
regarding meetings and other club events. The secretary will either directly maintain or
oversee the content of the Association’s website, social media, and any other internet
presence the Association has. If the association does not have a liaison with the SC
State Beekeepers Association, the responsibility will default to the secretary.
SECTION 4 – TREASURER: The treasurer shall oversee the collection of dues from
the members. This officer shall be the custodian of all monies received by the
Association, be responsible for paying invoices, and keep accurate records showing the
receipts and disbursements of all money.
FINANCIAL REPORTS AND BUDGET: The treasurer shall present regular (quarterly)
financial reports to the board during the year. He/she shall present both a quarterly and
annual detailed financial report to the board for their review. An annual report will also
be presented to the membership in the Feb meeting for their review. The treasurer will
work with the board in the fall to prepare a budget for the new year.
SECTION 5 - DIRECTORS: Directors shall make suggestions and recommendations to
the association and shall serve in a consultative role to the president and other officers
of the organization. Directors shall also assist in the planning and implementation of
monthly programs and special events.
Section 6 - Term Limit Exception. Every effort shall be made to fill vacancies with
qualified people. However, in the event that a willing or suitable person is not found for
an officer or director position, the board may vote to extend the term of the incumbent
by a simple majority.
ARTICLE 6 Association Meetings
SECTION 1 - MEETINGS: The association will host regular meetings. Notice of each
meeting shall be emailed by the Secretary to each member of the Association or
otherwise adequately advertised at least one (1) week before the meeting. The time and
place for each meeting shall be decided on by the Board.
ARTICLE 7 Quorum
SECTION 1 - QUORUM: A majority of the members present at a regular meeting shall
constitute a quorum for the transaction of business at any regular meeting. (See Article
10 Section 1 Amendment)
SECTION 1 - DUES: The fee of annual dues shall be determined by the board and
approved by a majority of the members present at a regular meeting. Dues are to be
paid to the Association. Membership is annual, beginning on the day a person joins.
Membership and voting privileges expire after 1 year if not renewed. Any member of
the Association who does not renew after 1 year will be removed from membership and
shall cease to be a member of the Association. A person, who has been dropped from
the role of membership for non-payment of dues, may be restored to active membership
by rejoining.
SECTION 1 - AFFILIATED ORGANIZATIONS: The Association may associate itself
with any other state or National Beekeeping Association and determine its basis of
support by a majority of the members attending a regular meeting.
and/or Regional Beekeepers Associations or Beekeepers Clubs are encouraged and
invited to associate themselves with the South Carolina Beekeepers Association.
SECTION 1 - AMENDMENTS: Any article or any section of any article of the
Constitution and By-Laws may be amended at any regular meeting by a majority vote of
all members present providing proposed amendments have been presented to the
Board for their recommendation and have been presented in writing to the entire
membership at least Fourteen (14) days before the meeting via newsletter.
SECTION 1: If the Association is in good standing with the South Carolina Secretary of
State, then the Association’s assets shall be distributed, in whole, to that organization. If
the SOUTH CAROLINA BEEKEEPERS ASSOCIATION is not in good standing with the
South Carolina Secretary of State, then the Association’s assets will be distributed to
one or more charitable organizations that are in good standing with the South Carolina
Secretary of State.
Attest: Board Members:
Revised January 7, 2015
Revised August, 2018
Revised August 6, 2024